Sunday, October 9, 2011

On Nov 8 Vote No on Proposal C That Illegally Revises Detroit Charter

It's time to fight for what is right for Detroit's Citizens. Don't believe takeover promoters! VOTE NO on Proposal C! Why? Here are some reasons:
1. The current city charter is not up for review until the year 2018, so what is the rush all about? (Removing voting power and decision making by Detroit Citizens: voters and taxpayers, the senior citizens, poor,and working poor)

2. The proposed "Community Advisory Councils" have no real power to make change or apply for federal government grants to assist neighborhoods with repair themselves. Struggling neighborhoods will fail.

3. Council by District was added without regard to effectively setting up city government to enable true democratic representation. Who are the representatives and how are they chosen as the "voice" of citizens?

4. A NO vote kills Mayor Bing's proposal to turn Detroit into mini townships.
5. A NO vote stops the final attempt to takeover Detroit by Emergency Managers and private companies ( Benton Harbor already taken over. Emergency Management is an UN-Democratic form of government run by people that were not Voted for, that has never been a part of American Government and History).

6. A NO Vote allows Detroiters choose and vote for their own city council.
7. A NO vote stops the takeover of The Water Plant, Public Lighting, DDot City Bus Service and sale of Belle Isle.
8. A NO Vote will help to stop people from over taxing you, foreclosing, cutting city services like street lights and garbage collection.

See for more info.

To Become a Vote Challenger to make sure your vote was counted and ballot boxes are not illegally opened or tampered with, call 313 533-8764